The Town Council's responsibilities include the following :
- The Town Hall building
- Grass cutting - Far Bank, Market Hill, Twyers Lane, West Lane, Greville Road, Watson Park* plus all the amenity areas.
- Market Place
- Hedon Market is held every Wednesday on the Market Place. The Market Manager is Mr George Ward and any enquiries about stalls should be made via e-mail:
- Cemetery
- Church yard and wall maintenance
- Church Clock
- Distaff Lane Store
- Play area - Greville Road
- Land
- Two fields in Ivy Lane adjacent to the cemetery
- Ivy Lane - Horsewell
- Red Cross and Scout Huts
- Army Cadets (Far Bank)
- Watson Park*
- Elsie Gate Field (Trustees)
- Allotments : Sheriff Highway
- Provision of seats, litter bins and dog bins
* Watson Park, situated on the corner of Magdalen Lane and Station Lane, is now in the ownership of the Hedon Town Council and is to be left as amenity land for the town. Its upkeep is obviously the responsibility of the Town Council - part of it is to be left wild and the rest of the area will be rough cut. As some trees have had to be felled, a planting programme is in place.